Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Birthday

Today is my birthday so people have been sending me well-wishes - even people I don't know! For example, a man from the St. George bank called earlier to congratulate me on my successful aging and ask - now that I'm 26 - when I'd be paying my credit card bill. Well, I was in such a good mood after receiving a scavenger hunt for my birthday that I payed it all off right there over the phone. 

Scavenger hunts are empowering. I now have 26 opportunities (one for each of my years I assume) to transgress limiting mores and personal beliefs. I'll post details of my progress as I make it but, for now, here are my first thoughts on some of the tasks:

Spend an hour working as a volunteer 
I'll need to obtain a blue card. Very few charities will accept only an hour of work but I think I'd be happy to do more for the right charity. I'd like to help out Melbourne's homeless denizens.  

Learn a new dance and perform it in a public place
I've been wanting to learn the Melbourne Shuffle ever since I arrived in Melbourne. I'll need phats. 

Go out with only your house key, no other belongings (no phone, wallet, computer, ATM cards, money, etc) and see how far you get  
Open-ended challenges scare me. How far can I get? The local pub? Adelaide? Mexico?! I don't know but I want to find out.

Spend 48 hours in a room, alone, with no electronic devices (you can go out for meals and bathroom breaks) 
There's nothing in the task description preventing me from bunkering down with a bookshelf's worth of stimulus but I doubt that would be following the spirit of the task. The isolation is intended to overcome artist's blocks so, although I think one probably needs to be an artist to suffer from artist's block, I'm going to deprive myself of books and only take base materials I may need for being "creative" instead.

I've already completed one task but I'll blog about that once I've worked out how to access the photos on my phone.